Parnell Athletics Club

Running & Athletics - Wicklow

Child Safeguarding

We are committed to the safeguarding of all children in our club. Our safeguarding policies have been developed in guidance with Athletics Ireland’s Child Safeguarding policies.

 Section 1 - Child Safeguarding Statement.

Club Name: Parnell Athletics Club is affiliated to Athletics Ireland and provides various sporting activities and opportunities for children and young people through participation in clubs, regional/provincial events and through to our national teams.

  • Club Name: Parnell Athletics Club
  • Sport:   Track and Field Athletics, Cross Country, Road Running and Race Walking.
  • Location (National/Local level):   Local and County.
  • Number of members in your club:
  • Activities:  Track and Field, Cross Country, Road Running and Race Walking.

 Section 2 – Principles to safeguard children from harm.

 Athletics Ireland is committed to safeguarding children and by working under the guidance of our Safeguarding Policies our staff, both volunteers and employed, working with our young people, throughout the organisation, seek to create a safe environment for young people to grow and develop within sport. The following set of principles should be adhered to:

  • Importance of childhood – The importance of childhood should be understood and valued by everyone involved in sport.
  • Needs of the child – All children’s sport experiences should be guided by what is best for children. This means that adults should have a basic understanding of the emotional, physical and personal needs of young people.
  • Integrity in relationships – Adults interacting with children in sport are in a position of trust and influence. They should always ensure that children are treated with integrity and respect, and the self-esteem of young people is enhanced.
  • Fair Play – All children’s sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play. The principles of fair play should always be emphasised, and organisers should give clear guidelines regarding acceptable standards of behaviour.
  • Quality atmosphere & ethos – Children’s sport should be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging atmosphere.
  • Competition – Competition is an essential element of sport and should be encouraged in an age appropriate manner. A child centred ethos will help to ensure that competition and specialisation are kept in their appropriate place.
  • Equality – All children should be valued and treated in an equitable and fair manner regardless of ability, age, gender, religion, social and ethnic background or political persuasion.

 Section 3 – Risk Assessment  

This Athletics Ireland Club written Risk Assessment document indicates the areas of potential risk of harm, the likelihood of the risk occurring, and gives the required policy, guidance or process documents require to alleviate these risks. The list of risks identified and procedures to manage these risks are contained in the following categories:


 Risk Identified                           Procedure in place to manage risk identified                         
 Club and Coaching Practices Lack of coaching qualification. Supervision issues. Unauthorised photography & recording activities. Behavioural Issues. Lack of gender balance amongst coaches No guidance for travelling & away trips Risk of harm of sexual abuse of a child by a volunteer/member of staff while away on an overnight trip Lack of adherence with misc procedures in Safeguarding policy    Coach education policy/Recruitment policy. Supervision policy/Coach education policy Photography & Use of Images policy Code of Conduct / Safeguarding 1 / Complaints & Disciplinary policy. Coach education policy / Supervision policy. Travel/Away trip policy / Child Safeguarding Training. Travel/Away trip policy, Code of Ethics, Code of conducts for sports leaders and parents Safeguarding Policy / Complaints & disciplinary policy   
Complaints & Discipline Lack of awareness of a Complaints & Disciplinary policy. Difficulty in raising an issue by child & or parent Complaints not being dealt with seriously   Complaints & Disciplinary procedure/policy / Communications procedure. Complaints & Disciplinary procedure/policy / Communications procedure. Complaints & Disciplinary procedure/policy.    
Reporting Procedures Lack of knowledge of organisational & statutory reporting procedures No DLP appointed. Concerns of abuse or harm not reported. Not clear who YP should talk to or report to.   Reporting procedures/policy / Coach Education policy / Code of Conduct/Behaviour. Reporting procedures/policy. Reporting procedures/policy / Child Safeguarding Training – Level 1 Post the names of CCO, DLP and Mandated person.   
Use of Facilities Unauthorised access to designated children’s play & practice areas & to changing rooms, showers, toilets etc….. Unauthorised exit from children’s areas. Photography, filming or recording in prohibited areas. Missing or found child on site. Children sharing facilities with adults e.g. dressing room, showers etc…   Supervision policy / Coach Education. Supervision policy / Coach Education. Photography policy and use of devices in private zones. Missing or found child policy. Safeguarding policy.    
Recruitment Recruitment of inappropriate people. Lack of clarity on roles. Unqualified or untrained people in role.   Recruitment policy. Recruitment policy. Recruitment policy.   
Communications Lack of awareness of ‘risk of harm’ with members and visitors. No communication of Child Safeguarding Statement of Code of Behaviour to members of visitors. Unauthorised photography & recording of activities. Inappropriate use of social media & communications by under 18’s Inappropriate use of social media & communications with under 18’s.   Child Safeguarding Statement / Training Policy. Child Safeguarding Statement (display) / Code of Behaviour (distribute). Photography & Use of Images policy Communications policy / Code of conduct Communications policy / Code of conduct   
General Risk of Harm Harm not being recognised. Harm caused by: Child to Child. Coach to Child. Volunteer to Child. Member to Child. Visitor to Child. General behavioural issues. Issues of Bullying. Vetting of staff/volunteers. Issues of Online Safety    Safeguarding policy / Child Safeguarding Training. Safeguarding policy / Child Safeguarding Training. Code of Conduct. Anti-Bullying policy. Recruitment policy / Vetting policy. Social Media / Online Safety policy.  


 Section 4 – Procedures.

Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, (the Children First: National Guidance, and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice). In addition to our Risk Assessment document described above, there are further procedures that support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our activities.

Athletics Ireland has the following procedures in place as part of our Safeguarding Policies:

  • Procedures for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct by staff or volunteers against a child availing of our activities.
  • Procedures for the safe recruitment of staff and volunteers to work with children in our activities.
  • Procedures for access to child safeguarding training and information, including the identification of the occurrence of harm.
  • Procedure for reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Statutory Authorities.
  • Procedure for maintaining a list of the persons (if any) in the relevant service who are mandated persons.
  • Procedure for appointing a relevant person (Club Children’s Officer).


Section 5 – Implementation

We recognise that implementation is an ongoing process. Our club is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our activities.

Please note the following:

  • That all volunteers and staff have been furnished with a copy of this statement.
  • This statement is available to parents/guardians, the Agency & members of the public on request.
  • This statement will be displayed in a prominent place by the Club.

The Athletics Ireland Child Safeguarding Plan including all policies and procedures is available on request or at the following webpage for download.

 safeguarding Guidance for Children Young People in Sport
 Click Here to view pdf


You can also email if you would like any information sent to you.

Pearse Park, Arklow, Co.Wicklow

Get in touch with us

Iveagh Leaf Grounds
(Rathdrum Rugby Football Club)
Co. Wicklow,
A67 X045.
Click Here for Directions
087 292 8660 / 087 225 8538

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